Cream of the Crop 1
Cream of the Crop 1.iso
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Text File
796 lines
This document contains any important information that I deem important
for you to read. Please give it a look over.
Read the newest SIMPLEX.DOC for up to date instructions for Simplex. At the
very end of the DOC file there is a list of all the additions and changes
0) Updating from version 1.05.01
*********************** Urgent: FR10501.EXE ***************************
Before running Simplex 1.05.02 or later if you have a version prior to
1.05.02, you MUST run the included conversion program FR10501.EXE. This
files to the new format. The old files will be renamed as .BAK files.
DELETE/OBLITERATE this program after use! You don't want to run it
1) DORINFO#.DEF files and Doors
If you are running doors on Simplex prior to 1.05.02, please notice
that if your BBS is *not* on COM1, the name of the DORINFO#.DEF file will
not be DORINFO1.DEF!! The new name will be DORINFO2.DEF if you are on
COM2, or DORINFO3.DEF if on COM3, etc.
This is a standard convention for DORINFO files for handling multiple
nodes. Therefore, most door software should be able to handle this
change. If your software cannot handle it, then you might have to
include the following line in your door batch file prior to calling the
where ? is the number of your com port.
2) Updating from version 1.04.xx
*********************** Urgent: FROM104.EXE ***************************
Before running Simplex 1.05 or later if you have a version prior to
1.05, you MUST run the included conversion program FROM104.EXE. This
will convert the USERLIST.BBS, the CONFIG.BBS and the MSGAREA.BBS
files to the new format. The old files will be renamed as .BAK files.
DELETE/OBLITERATE this program after use! You don't want to run it
3) Updating from version 1.01
*************** Urgent: FROM101.EXE and FROM1012.EXE ******************
Before running any version after 1.01 if you haven't run any version
subsequent to it, you MUST run the program FROM101.EXE (or
for OS/2 users FROM1012.EXE) in your Simplex directory. This will
convert your CONFIG.BBS, USERLIST.BBS and all your menu files to using
the new format! The old ones will be names CONFIG.BAK, USERLIST.BAK,
and each menu file will also have a .BAK.
Once you have run the new version, and everything is successful, you
can delete the .BAK files.
Version 1.02 or later of Simplex now implements 16 user flags (A through P).
These can be used to restrict access to certain menu items. There are
two new menu options which allow you to turn on or off user flags.
DELETE/OBLITERATE this program after use! You don't want to run it
4) Updated stuff in Simplex for this release
See the accompanying VERSION.DOC file for this information.
5) If menus don't work correctly!
If you find that some menus do not work correctly with 1.04, it is
probably due to the fact that you used psuedo-variables (like $t and
$d) using uppercase letters (like $T and $D). With the advent of menu
macros ($A-$Z), the case used in menus is important. Pseudo-variables
MUST be in lowercase.
6) DOS Swapping version of Simplex dropped in 1.05.02
The DOS Swapping version of Simplex is no longer available. The main
SIMPLEX.EXE file now handles swapping if you provide the -O flag. See
the new docs to see how this flag is used.
7) Official Simplex Distribution Sites
The following are official distribution sites for Simplex:
Programmer's Oasis BBS, USA .... 919/226-6984 HST,v32bis,v32,14400->300
Programmer's Oasis 2 BBS, USA .. 919/226-7136 HST,v32bis,v32,14400->300
NightHawk BBS, USA ............. 919/228-7002 HST,9600->300 N,8,1
D & R BBS, USA ................. 919/227-5215 HST,v32bis,v32,16800->300
Stardate 1990 BBS, USA ......... 919/376-8423 HST,v32bis,v32,14400->300
Bedside Manor BBS, USA ......... 919/233-8566 HST,14400->300
If you wish to become an official distribution center, please contact
Chris Laforet through any of the addresses below. You must have the
capability of electronically picking up the current versions from my
system when new versions are released.
8) Distribution Policy
Instead of putting all the Fidonet mail files into the main Simplex
distribution zips they have been separated out into separate distribution
zips. These zips are called M10500D.ZIP (for DOS) and M105002.ZIP
(for OS/2) and contain the files needed to handle Fidonet messages.
They are available from the above distribution centers.
9) Crashes and/or Bugs
Please report any strange crashes or bugs back to me at any of the
addresses indicated below. OS/2 users especially. If you get an error
screen from OS/2 with a register dump, PLEASE copy down the numbers
next to CS: and IP: in the dump and give them to me. That will greatly
assist me in locating the problem!!
10) Contacting Chris Laforet Software
You may send me mail through any of the following:
Programmer's Oasis BBS, USA .... 919/226-6984
Programmer's Oasis 2 BBS, USA .. 919/226-7136
Fidonet Email .................. Chris Laforet @ 1:3644/1 or 1:3644/2
Compuserve Email ............... User ID: 76120,110
US Mail ........................ Chris Laforet Software
511-D Poplar St
Graham, NC 27253
This I check occassionally:
BIX Email....................... User ID: laforet
11) Fidonet and Worldnet users can access the Simplex echo
The SIMPLEX echo might already be available in your area. We are
trying to make it a backbone echo at this time. It is now in Fidonet's
Region 18 and it is available through Worldnet.
Otherwise, users who wish to hook into the private Simplex echo can send me
Fidonet mail at 1:3644/1 or 1:3644/2 and request it. What we will do
is set up a passworded session for the mailers and you will have to
poll for mail once or twice a week. The tag name off the echo is
SIMPLEX. In your message, send me your node information, the password
you wish the mailers to use (<= 8 letters, case is significant), the
node that you wish to poll (3644/1 or 3644/2) and I'll set it up for you.
12) Help files
The help files in help.zip are the .asc and .ans formats needed by
Simplex. The .src files are the source files in SANSI-compilable
format in case you wish to change the help files.
13) Developing Utilities for Simplex
You are encouraged to develop external utilities for Simplex. Please
feel free to ship them over to the Simplex areas on any of those BBSes.
The data structures for Simplex are in this doc and are ***BYTE
aligned*** (-Zp1 in MSC).
If you need extra information, contact Chris Laforet at any of the above
addresses and we'll see what we can do!
If you do develop utilities, please upload them to the Simplex areas on
the distribution sites. I know that they will meet a very appreciative
14) Data information and structures for Simplex v 1.05.02
***** Remember that structures are BYTE-ALIGNED!!! *****
/* these macros access the user_flags bit-mapped options */
#define USER_CLS 0x1 /* send cls codes */
#define USER_MORE 0x2 /* use more? paging */
#define USER_ANSI 0x4 /* use ansi */
#define USER_EDITOR 0x8 /* use full screen editor */
#define USER_EXPERT 0x10 /* expert (abbreviated) menus */
#define USER_FILEATTACH 0x20 /* allow user to fileattach in netmail areas? */
#define USER_GUEST 0x40 /* this login is guest - recycle login time for day */
#define USER_ANSWERED 0x4000 /* user has answered a newuser.qf questionaire */
#define USER_DELETED 0x8000 /* user is deleted pending purge */
/* these macros access the menu type options */
#define MENU_SHOW 0x0 /* show menu line only */
#define MENU_CALL 0x1 /* call next menu */
#define MENU_GOTO 0x2 /* goto next menu - no return */
#define MENU_RET 0x3 /* return to previous menu */
#define MENU_REPLACE 0x4 /* goto next menu - replace current menu on stack */
#define MENU_ENTER 0x10 /* enter a message */
#define MENU_READ 0x11 /* read a message */
#define MENU_SCAN 0x12 /* scan messages */
#define MENU_QSCAN 0x13 /* quickscan messages */
#define MENU_USERLIST 0x14 /* search/display users list */
#define MENU_NETSEARCH 0x15 /* search for netmail address */
#define MENU_FREQ 0x16 /* generate File Request to netmail node */
#define MENU_LIST 0x20 /* list file.bbs listing */
#define MENU_UPLOAD 0x21 /* upload files to area */
#define MENU_DOWNLOAD 0x22 /* download files from area */
#define MENU_RAW 0x23 /* raw directory list in area */
#define MENU_CONTENTS 0x24 /* view archive contents */
#define MENU_NEW 0x25 /* show new files on system */
#define MENU_SRCHNAME 0x26 /* search for file name on system */
#define MENU_SRCHKEY 0x27 /* search for keyword on system */
#define MENU_KILL 0x28 /* kill/delete file in area */
#define MENU_READFILE 0x29 /* read a textfile in file area */
#define MENU_DOWNLOAD_FILE 0x2a /* download 1 file from area */
#define MENU_MOVEFILES 0x2b /* move files to another area */
#define MENU_SHOWFILE 0x30 /* show an ansi/ascii file */
#define MENU_SHOWHOT 0x31 /* show an ansi/ascii file with active keys */
#define MENU_SHOWWAIT 0x32 /* show an ansi/ascii file with wait for Enter */
#define MENU_QUESTION 0x33 /* show a questionaire file */
#define MENU_QUOTE 0x34 /* show a "random" quote from file */
#define MENU_SHOWHOT_NOEXPERT 0x35 /* show an ansi/ascii file with active keys IF expert mode is off */
#define MENU_CITY 0x40 /* change users city/state */
#define MENU_PASSWORD 0x41 /* change users password */
#define MENU_CLS 0x42 /* toggle users cls state */
#define MENU_MORE 0x43 /* toggle users more state */
#define MENU_SCREENLEN 0x44 /* change users screen len */
#define MENU_ANSI 0x45 /* toggle ansi on/off */
#define MENU_EDITOR 0x46 /* toggle between line and full editor */
#define MENU_EXPERT 0x47 /* toggle between novice and expert mode */
#define MENU_HOMEPHONE 0x48 /* change home phone number */
#define MENU_DATAPHONE 0x49 /* change data phone number */
#define MENU_CHGADD1 0x4a /* change full address line 1 */
#define MENU_CHGADD2 0x4b /* change full address line 2 */
#define MENU_CHGCITY 0x4c /* change full address city */
#define MENU_CHGSTATE 0x4d /* change full address state */
#define MENU_CHGZIP 0x4e /* change full address zip */
#define MENU_ADENTER 0x50 /* enter an advertisement */
#define MENU_ADREAD 0x51 /* read advertisements */
#define MENU_ADSCAN 0x52 /* scan advertisments */
#define MENU_NEWPRIV 0x60 /* set a new privilege */
#define MENU_UPTIME 0x61 /* raise the time of the user x minutes */
#define MENU_DOWNTIME 0x62 /* drop the time of the user x minutes */
#define MENU_ADDFLAGS 0x63 /* add flags to user's flags */
#define MENU_DELFLAGS 0x64 /* delete flags to user's flags */
#define MENU_SETTIME 0x65 /* set the time of the user to x minutes */
#define MENU_LOGENTRY 0x66 /* log data line to sysop log */
#define MENU_SETCOMB 0x70 /* set up combined boards */
#define MENU_READCOMB 0x71 /* read a message in comb boards */
#define MENU_SCANCOMB 0x72 /* scan messages in comb boards */
#define MENU_QSCANCOMB 0x73 /* quickscan messages in comb boards */
#define MENU_DLCOMB 0x74 /* download messages in comb boards */
#define MENU_CFGCOMB 0x75 /* configure combined boards */
#define MENU_ULCOMB 0x76 /* upload messages in .QWK offline reader format */
#define MENU_XMITXMODEM 0x80 /* send files using Xmodem */
#define MENU_XMITXMODEM1K 0x81 /* send files using Xmodem-1K */
#define MENU_XMITYMODEM 0x82 /* send files using Ymodem */
#define MENU_XMITYMODEMG 0x83 /* send files using Ymodem-G */
#define MENU_XMITZMODEM 0x84 /* send files using Zmodem */
#define MENU_RECVXMODEM 0x90 /* recv files using Xmodem */
#define MENU_RECVXMODEM1K 0x91 /* recv files using Xmodem-1K */
#define MENU_RECVYMODEM 0x92 /* recv files using Ymodem */
#define MENU_RECVYMODEMG 0x93 /* recv files using Ymodem-G */
#define MENU_RECVZMODEM 0x94 /* recv files using Zmodem */
#define MENU_RUN 0xf0 /* run a program from BBS */
#define MENU_EXIT 0xf1 /* exit BBS with errorlevel */
#define MENU_VERS 0xf2 /* show BBS version info */
#define MENU_USAGE 0xf3 /* show users time usage and dl/ul info */
#define MENU_YELL 0xf4 /* yell for sysop */
#define MENU_CLOCK 0xf5 /* show clock for time synchronizing */
#define MENU_CHECKMAIL 0xf6 /* check for mail addressed to user */
#define MENU_USERUPGRADE 0xf7 /* sysop's user-upgrade option */
#define MENU_TIMELESS_YELL 0xf8 /* yell for sysop - not bound by regular time */
#define MENU_LOGOFF 0xff /* hangup and log off */
#define M_SIGNATURE 0xa442 /* proves file is actual menu file */
/* these macros are for message board flags */
#define MSG_LOCAL 0x1
#define MSG_ECHO 0x2
#define MSG_NET 0x4
#define MSG_PRIVATE 0x8 /* messages are private */
#define MSG_PUBLIC 0x10 /* messages are public */
#define MSG_ALIAS 0x20 /* aliases are allowed */
/* these macros are for message header flags */
#define MSGH_DELETED 0x1
#define MSGH_PRIVATE 0x2
#define MSGH_RECEIVED 0x4
#define MSGH_NET_UNSENT 0x8 /* is unsent Netmail message */
#define MSGH_NET 0x10 /* is Netmail */
#define MSGH_ECHO_UNSENT 0x20 /* is unsent Echomail message */
#define MSGH_ECHO 0x40 /* is echomail */
#define MSGH_LOCAL_FILEATTACH 0x80 /* is local fileattach */
#define NET_KILLSENT 0x100 /* kill/sent netmail */
#define NET_SENT 0x200 /* netmail sent */
#define NET_FILEATTACH 0x400 /* file(s) attached */
#define NET_CRASH 0x800 /* crashmail */
#define NET_RECEIPT_REQ 0x1000 /* receipt requested */
#define NET_AUDIT_REQ 0x2000 /* audit request */
#define NET_RECEIPT 0x4000 /* return receipt */
/* these macros are for advertisement board header flags */
#define ADH_DELETED 0x1
#define ADH_REPLIES 0x2
/* color macros */
#define BLACK 0
#define BLUE 1
#define GREEN 2
#define CYAN 3
#define RED 4
#define MAGENTA 5
#define BROWN 6
#define WHITE 7
#define BRIGHT 8
#define BLINK 0x80
#define ON_BLACK 0x0
#define ON_BLUE 0x10
#define ON_GREEN 0x20
#define ON_CYAN 0x30
#define ON_RED 0x40
#define ON_MAGENTA 0x50
#define ON_BROWN 0x60
#define ON_WHITE 0x70
/* Values for flags in Version 6 nodelist */
#define NL_HUB 0x1
#define NL_HOST 0x2
#define NL_REGION 0x4
#define NL_ZONE 0x8
#define NL_CM 0x10
/* these macros are for user flags */
#define UF_A 0x1
#define UF_B 0x2
#define UF_C 0x4
#define UF_D 0x8
#define UF_E 0x10
#define UF_F 0x20
#define UF_G 0x40
#define UF_H 0x80
#define UF_I 0x100
#define UF_J 0x200
#define UF_K 0x400
#define UF_L 0x800
#define UF_M 0x1000
#define UF_N 0x2000
#define UF_O 0x4000
#define UF_P 0x8000
/* flags for combined boards */
#define COMB_QWK 0x1
#define COMB_PERSONAL 0x2 /* not currently used */
#define COMB_WELCOME 0x4
#define COMB_NEWS 0x8
#define COMB_GOODBYE 0x10
#define COMB_USEARC 0x100
#define COMB_USEZIP 0x200
#define COMB_USELZH 0x400
#define COMB_USEZOO 0x800
#define COMB_USEARJ 0x1000
/* NOTICE: user structure changed from 1.04.xx to 1.05! */
struct user
char user_name[41];
char user_address1[31];
char user_address2[31];
char user_city[31];
char user_state[16];
char user_zip[16];
char user_password[16];
char user_home[15]; /* users home number */
char user_data[15]; /* users data/business number */
unsigned char user_priv; /* users default privilege level */
int user_uflags; /* 16 default definable flags */
unsigned char user_spriv; /* users special privilege level */
int user_sflags; /* 16 special definable flags */
int user_sdate; /* expiration date of special levels */
char user_screenlen; /* length of users screen in lines */
int user_credit; /* credit in cents for fidomail */
int user_flags; /* bit mapped flags for options */
int user_firstdate; /* first date user called */
int user_lastdate; /* last date called */
int user_lasttime; /* last time called */
int user_calls; /* number of calls to the BBS */
int user_timeused; /* amount of time used for the day (minutes) */
int user_upload; /* number of uploads */
long user_uploadbytes; /* number of bytes uploaded */
int user_dnload; /* number of downloads */
long user_dnloadbytes; /* number of bytes downloaded */
long user_msgsent; /* number of messages sent */
long user_msgread; /* number of messages read */
char user_padding; /* makes record 256 bytes */
struct prompt
int prompt_sig; /* signiture for valid menu file 0xa442 */
char prompt_color;
char prompt_hilite;
char prompt_string[56]; /* string to show */
struct menu
int menu_number; /* line number */
unsigned char menu_type; /* type of choice */
char menu_key; /* key to initiate choice */
unsigned char menu_priv; /* user priv to see/use choice */
int menu_flags; /* version 1.02 added 16 flags */
char menu_auto; /* automatic execution if true */
char menu_color; /* color of choice */
char menu_hilite; /* color of hilight */
char menu_expert; /* if true show when expert mode is on */
char menu_line[71]; /* line to show on screen */
char menu_data[71]; /* data line for menu option */
char menu_deleted;
/* NOTICE: cfg structure changed from 1.05.01 to 1.05.02! */
struct cfg
int cfg_baud; /* maximum baud rate */
int cfg_port; /* port number */
char cfg_init[61]; /* modem initialization string */
char cfg_resp[21]; /* normal modem response string */
char cfg_dialpre[21]; /* dial prefix */
char cfg_dialpost[21]; /* dial postfix */
char cfg_resp3_1[21]; /* 300 baud response 1 */
char cfg_resp3_2[21]; /* 300 baud response 2 */
char cfg_resp12_1[21]; /* 1200 baud response 1 */
char cfg_resp12_2[21]; /* 1200 baud response 2 */
char cfg_resp24_1[21]; /* 2400 baud response 1 */
char cfg_resp24_2[21]; /* 2400 baud response 2 */
char cfg_resp48_1[21]; /* 4800 baud response 1 */
char cfg_resp48_2[21]; /* 4800 baud response 2 */
char cfg_resp96_1[21]; /* 9600 baud response 1 */
char cfg_resp96_2[21]; /* 9600 baud response 2 */
char cfg_resp192_1[21]; /* 19200 baud response 1 */
char cfg_resp192_2[21]; /* 19200 baud response 2 */
char cfg_resp384_1[21]; /* 38400 baud response 1 */
char cfg_resp384_2[21]; /* 38400 baud response 2 */
char cfg_ring[21]; /* ring response */
char cfg_answer[21]; /* answer string */
char cfg_hangup[21]; /* hangup string */
char cfg_busy[21]; /* offhook string */
int cfg_flags; /* flags for setup */
int cfg_zone;
int cfg_net;
int cfg_node;
int cfg_point; /* point for later use */
int cfg_akazone[5];
int cfg_akanet[5];
int cfg_akanode[5];
int cfg_akapoint[5]; /* points for later use */
char cfg_sysopname[41]; /* sysop's name */
char cfg_bbsname[61]; /* BBS name */
char cfg_origin[66]; /* origin line */
char cfg_qwkname[9]; /* name for QWK packet BBSID */
char cfg_menupath[61]; /* path to menu files */
char cfg_screenpath[61]; /* path to screen files */
char cfg_nodepath[61]; /* path to nodelist */
char cfg_fapath[61]; /* path to local fileattaches */
char cfg_netpath[61]; /* path for net messages */
char cfg_inboundpath[61]; /* path for inbound message pkts */
char cfg_outboundpath[61]; /* path for outbound message pkts */
char cfg_packetpath[61]; /* path for unpacking message pkts */
char cfg_badmsgpath[61]; /* path for placing bad messages */
char cfg_unarc[61]; /* command for unarcing ARCed files */
char cfg_unzip[61]; /* command for unarcing ZIPped files */
char cfg_unzoo[61]; /* command for unarcing ZOOed files */
char cfg_unlzh[61]; /* command for unarcing LZHed files */
char cfg_unarj[61]; /* command for unarcing ARJed files */
char cfg_arc[61]; /* command for arcing ARCed files */
char cfg_zip[61]; /* command for arcing ZIPped files */
char cfg_zoo[61]; /* command for arcing ZOOed files */
char cfg_lzh[61]; /* command for arcing LZHed files */
char cfg_arj[61]; /* command for arcing ARJed files */
char cfg_newpriv; /* priv level of new user */
int cfg_newflags; /* v 1.02 new user's flags */
int cfg_newcredit; /* credit level of new user */
int cfg_newtime; /* logon time in mins for newuser */
char cfg_askaddress; /* ask for full address */
char cfg_askhome; /* ask for home phone */
char cfg_askdata; /* ask for data phone */
int cfg_minbaud; /* minimum connect rate allowed on BBS */
int cfg_ansibaud; /* minimum baud for ansi */
char cfg_status; /* status line background color */
char cfg_field; /* entry field background color */
char cfg_menu; /* submenu color */
char cfg_pwdtries; /* number of attempts to get password */
char cfg_inactive; /* time before hanging up for inactivity */
char cfg_yells; /* number of yells per session */
char cfg_yelltime; /* number of seconds for yell bell */
int cfg_yellstart; /* start time for yell-bell */
int cfg_yellstop; /* stop time for yell-bell */
int cfg_dlstart; /* start time for downloads */
int cfg_dlstop; /* stop time for downloads */
char cfg_welcome[61]; /* command line for welcome program */
char cfg_viruschk[61]; /* command line for virus checker */
/* NOTICE: msg structure changed from 1.05.01 to 1.05.02! */
struct msg
int msg_number; /* message board number */
char msg_areaname[41]; /* message area name */
char msg_flags; /* message area flags */
unsigned char msg_readpriv;
int msg_readflags; /* 1.05.02 */
unsigned char msg_writepriv;
int msg_writeflags; /* 1.05.02 */
unsigned char msg_sysoppriv;
char msg_origin[66]; /* special origin line for this if echomail area */
char msg_source; /* source net/node for this netmail/echomail area */
char msg_deleted; /* true if deleted */
/* NOTICE: file structure changed from 1.05.01 to 1.05.02! */
struct file
int file_number; /* file board number */
char file_areaname[41]; /* file area name */
char file_pathname[61]; /* path to file area */
char file_descname[61]; /* if set, this is the path to files.bbs */
unsigned char file_priv; /* priv level to search this area */
int file_flags; /* 1.05.02 - flags for search access */
char file_deleted; /* true if deleted */
struct evt
char evt_enabled; /* true if enabled */
char evt_forced; /* true if forced event */
char evt_days; /* 0-S-M-T-W-T-F-S */
unsigned int evt_time; /* encoded time to run */
char evt_errorlevel;
char evt_title[21]; /* optional name for event */
char evt_deleted; /* true if deleted */
struct msgh /* systemwide message number is ((offset/sizeof(struct msgh)) + 1) -- 0 is invalid systemwide message */
int msgh_area; /* area number of message */
int msgh_number; /* message number int that area! */
char msgh_to[41]; /* addressee of message */
char msgh_from[41];
char msgh_subject[71];
int msgh_date;
int msgh_time;
int msgh_flags; /* net and message flags */
int msgh_szone;
int msgh_snet;
int msgh_snode;
int msgh_dzone;
int msgh_dnet;
int msgh_dnode;
int msgh_cost;
int msgh_prev; /* previous message link - systemwide message number */
int msgh_next; /* next message link - systemwide message number */
long msgh_offset; /* start offset of message */
long msgh_length; /* message length in bytes */
struct mdata
int mdata_msgs; /* total number of messages */
int mdata_del; /* total number of deleted messages */
struct mc /* message counts by area */
int mc_area;
int mc_msgs;
struct mlink
int mlink_area;
int mlink_number; /* number of the message in that area! */
int mlink_flags; /* a copy of the message flags */
int mlink_cksum; /* a checksum on the uppercased TO: person's name */
struct adh /* header for advertisements */
char adh_from[41];
char adh_subject[71];
int adh_date;
int adh_time;
int adh_killdate;
int adh_flags; /* ad flags */
long adh_prev; /* previous ad header */
long adh_next; /* next ad header */
long adh_length; /* ad length in bytes */
struct m
char m_name[10]; /* menu's name */
struct prompt m_prompt;
struct menu **m_lines;
int m_maxlines; /* number of allocated menu lines */
int m_curlines; /* number of menu lines */
struct ui /* User-info structure */
char ui_name[41]; /* user's name */
int ui_date; /* date user logged in */
int ui_time; /* time user logged in */
int ui_baud; /* baud rate user logged in at */
int ui_online; /* time user spent online in minutes */
int ui_msgread; /* number of messages user read */
int ui_msgposted; /* number of messages user posted */
int ui_upload; /* number of uploads */
long ui_uploadbytes; /* number of bytes uploaded */
int ui_dnload; /* number of downloads */
long ui_dnloadbytes; /* number of bytes downloaded */
struct nl /* version 6 nodelist entry */
int nl_net;
int nl_node;
int nl_cost;
char nl_bbsname[34];
char nl_phone[40];
char nl_city[30];
char nl_pwd[8];
int nl_realcost;
int nl_hub;
char nl_baud;
char nl_modemtype;
int nl_flags;
int nl_waste;
struct nlix /* version 6 nodelist index */
int nlix_node;
int nlix_net;
struct qh /* quote file header! */
char qh_sig[14]; /* must be the words "Simplex Quote\0" */
int qh_lines; /* total number of lines */
The quote file header is followed by qh_lines * sizeof(long) each
containing the offset to the beginning of the respective quote line.
Each quote line follows and is a NUL ('\0') terminated string of 512
characters or less.
/* total number of bytes for combined area mapping (9999 x 1 bit each) */
#define COMB_AREA 1250
/* the comb structure changed from 1.05.01 to 1.05.02 */
struct comb /* combined message board structure */
int comb_user; /* user number */
int comb_flags;
char comb_areas[COMB_AREA];
The combined message board file contains an entry for each user who has
set up combined areas. The user is identified by his/her user number.
The areas are flagged as on or off if the respective flag for the
message area is set. The byte where a specific flag is located for a
specific area can be retrieved by: comb_areas[message_area >> 3]. The
specific bit can be masked by: 1 << (message_area % 8).
MSGREAD.BBS consists of the following:
INT # of areas
INT area numbers[# of areas]
INT last systemwide message read[# of areas][# of users]